Sunday, August 25, 2013

Trivia, Headcanons, and What Could Have Been

(These were some general ideas and whatnot that I had while writing.)

(Masaru and Yukiko were actually both at Elder stage when Sinbad and Shark adopted them. In fact, they only had a few days left before dying of old age. However, since aging had been turned off at this point, they didn't age, and were able to get enough points for their ghosts to be blue.)

(The same goes for Tomoaki and Akira. They, too, were elders when they were adopted.)

 (Jeri (Echo's wife) was a time machine child. I had just aged her parents up to Young Adult, and I had them test out a time machine I got from the Consignment Store. Lo and behold, out came Jeri.)

(This explains how she and Echo were the same age range, despite aging still being off.)

(All five Rotter Children received an Imaginary Friend doll when they were adopted. The names of the IFs were in order: Rags, Pal, Jelly Bean, Puzzle, and Riley.)

(At one point, I moved them out into their own home, when Rags was old enough. I needed more room to adopt the kids.)

(Angelo ended up marrying his Imaginary Friend.)

(Besides it being like him, given Angelo was meant to be a tad goofy, it was due to the fact that there really were no other teens left in town. This was also part of the reason Cortana stayed single. There just wasn't anyone left.)

(Cortana was aged up early. About three or four days after she became a teenager, Sinbad became an Elder. She also didn't have enough time to reach Young Adult stage before Shark became an Elder, too.)

(Her grades had already reached an A, so I aged her up early and set her out on her own.)

(Shark and Sinbad only had five days apart between their ages. It's actually supposed to be eight or nine.)

(In the beginning of the game, depending on what your settings are on, Shark has four days before becoming a Young Adult. Sinbad is already about five days in.)

(Dudley was originally going to burn to death. It was mainly because I wanted someone in the game dying of something besides Old Age.)

(But apparently, the game objected to that, because as the fire was going, the game crashed. I then realized what I was doing, kicked myself, and let Dudley have a more peaceful death.)

(A brief headcanon I had was that shortly after he aged up to Elder stage, Shark went blind, which gave an explanation for the glasses he wears.)

(I didn't want to have them just for fashion, even though I thought they made him look nice, but I figured that was a good enough reason.)

(That, and a former star athlete seemed ironic and cruel. So I quickly discarded that headcanon.)

(Throughout the story, Shark cries. Shark cries a lot. I tried to keep it to particularly sad events, such as the deaths of all those he cared about.)

(I was basically trying to give the message that, 'it's perfectly all right for men to cry'. I may have had Shark do it a lot, but, well, a lot of his family and friends died so close to each other.)

(Sinbad was actually still mourning DeAndre when Kaidan left home with Lynnette.)

(The actions that the both of them did, however, looked plausible for a son leaving home, so I threw it in.)

(These are all ideas I had in mind when I was writing the story. In the end, I'm not sure if I could still ingrain them into the story or not. -Nene )

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